Tuesday, April 26, 2011

EGG in a HOLE my way ...


When I was young, my friend's mom use to make us a breakfast of pan fried bread in butter, with an egg in the middle. We thought it was the coolest thing ever, and we always felt so special eating it. But as with any dish, there are tons of recipes and variations. This breakfast favorite of ours has many names…as it turned out…

It's been called a frog in the pond, bird's nest, birdie in a basket, holey toast, bull's eye toast, one-eyed jack, egg in a window, egg on a raft, man on a raft, paddy egg, castle'd egg, special egg, knothole egg, one eyed Egyptian sandwich, eggy bread, "eggs with hats on top" and "eggy in the basket, and it goes on …

It made a notable appearance in the film Moonstruck, and several recipes for the dish have since been named "Moonstruck Eggs". The dish also appeared in the 2006 V for Vendetta film as "eggy in the basket". I'm sure it has made a mention or appearance in many other films.

In seeing Moonstruck, at the time, I remember those mornings at my friend's house as if it were yesterday.
Funny, how something so simple can spark such wondrous memories - they were certainly happy moments.
Recently, my friends and I were in Woodstock for a weekend getaway. We bought an enormous sheet of focaccia and a giant loaf of whole wheat rustic country bread, when breakfast arrived … we all wanted egg in a hole. An all time favorite shared with friends and family bring back old memories and is bound to create new ones.

Try this fun dish with the kids, and get creative. Most people think of egg as a breakfast food, but trust me - this is great for lunch, brunch or even dinner - as your main course or as a side.

Here is Egg in a Hole My Way …
Serving size: 1
Ingredients: Egg, Focaccia (or your choice of bread), Olive Oil or Butter, Truffle Butter, Salt
and Pepper.  

Use a cookie cutter - or a glass and press out a hole in the center of a piece of bread.

Heat a skillet (preferably non-stick) over medium heat
Melt the butter and add the bread
Fry the bread (if using a thicker cut of bread, press with a spatula) for about 2-3 minutes.
Flip the bread
Break an egg gently into the hole (careful not to break the yolk)
Season with salt and pepper
Cook for another 2-3 minutes, or until the egg sets
You can flip it again or cook until your desired doneness
(2-3 minutes total for runny eggs and 5 minutes total for firm eggs)
Remove from the pan and spread on the truffle butter and serve immediately.